U.S. drone strikes have dropped off dramatically in Pakistan this
According to the Associated Press: "The CIA has
been instructed to be more cautious with its attacks, limiting them to
high-value targets and dropping the practice of so-called 'signature
strikes' -- hitting larger groups of suspected militants based purely on
their behavior, such as being armed and meeting with known militants, said a
current U.S. intelligence official and a former intelligence official briefed on
the drone program.
"The CIA embraced the measures, feeling the drone
program may be under threat from public scrutiny, the officials
Over 66,000 threats of public scrutiny have been posted as
signatures on our petition to ban weaponized drones. Click here to increase that
Even as the drone strikes are diminished, new evidence
continues to emerge as to how many victims have been innocent men, women, and
children. A Pakistani government report, never meant for the public, finds at
least 147 civilians, including 94 children, killed in 75 CIA and 5 NATO
It's time for us to seize the momentum. We aren't
demanding a temporary reduction in drone strikes. We're demanding a complete
global ban on weaponized flying robots.
Click here to add your name. Then please forward to
everyone who you think might care.
Please forward this email widely to
like-minded friends.
-- The RootsAction.org team
RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara
Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill
Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen Rowley,
Frances Fox Piven, and many others.
Footnotes: 1. BIJ: Obama 2013 Pakistan Drone Strikes 2. AP: Criticism Alters U.S. Drone Program in
Pakistan 3. Democracy Now: First Leaked Pakistani Report on U.S. Drone
Partners: Alaskans For Peace and Justice Antiwar.com Arlington Green Party Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests BFUU Bill of Rights Defense Committee Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases Code Pink Fellowship of Reconciliation Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in
Space Granny Peace Brigade-NY Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace Jeannette Rankin Peace Center KnowDrones.com LA Laborfest Montrose Peace Vigil National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance Nevada Desert Experience The Northampton Committee to Stop War On Earth Peace Peace of Mind Project RootsAction.org Sitkans for Peace and Justice United for Peace and Justice Veracity Now Veterans For Peace Veterans For Peace Chapter 10 Veterans For Peace Chapter 27 Veterans For Peace Chapter 91 Veterans For Peace, Phil Berrigan Memorial Chapter, Baltimore, MD
Voices for Creative Nonviolence WarIsACrime.org War Resisters League West Suburban Faith-based Peace Coalition Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) Women Standing Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, U.S.
Section World Can't Wait Yorkshire Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
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