Peace Action Bulletin
Up till now, US foreign and military policy has been
dominated by
elite corporate interests - preserving
corporate interests overseas at the
expense of
America’s true interests. Ask yourself - peace or empire?
the real choice being made without
your input, and without mine
Its also a choice reflected back at us in the form
of the choices now being made between taxing the super-rich
or cutting benefits for people
dependent on Medicare,
Medicaid and Social Security, while the Pentagon,
largest bureaucracy in the world, escapes unscathed.
You have been working to change that and Peace Action
Education Fund's grassroots network has been working
with you. Make no mistake, sooner or later the government
we elected in
November will make a decision on how to deal
with the economy. Whether they go
over the fiscal cliff or not,
next week the fight will continue.
Will our government decide to end the war in Afghanistan,
cut runaway
military spending, and make sure the super-rich
pay their fair share, or will
they cut Social Security and Medicare
and balance the budget on the backs of
working people?
The gridlock and inaction will not last forever.
Our opponents are relentless and well funded. They’ve been trying
decades to unravel the social safety net and roll back the regulations
protect the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.
challenge, as daunting as it is, must be met with sufficient grassroots
to defeat this agenda and put our country on a path
to a peaceful and just
This is a fight we cannot afford to lose.
You can support Peace Action Education Fund’s work for SANE
policies using our secure online giving portal.
Thank you again for your attention and work on these
important issues
and for your kind consideration of this request.
Humbly for Peace,
Kevin Martin
Executive Director
Peace Action
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