The Open Dimension

Commentary on social issues; politics; religion and spirituality

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Location: Laguna Hills, California, United States

I am a semi-retired psychotherapist/psychiatric social worker and certified hypnotherapist. Originally a practicing attorney, I changed careers during the 1980's. My interests include history, constitutional law, Hindustani classical music, yoga, meditation and spirituality.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Ribhu Gita (Ch.26): Sri Ramana's Summation

The concept I-am-the-body is of the mind, and is illusive bondage to identification with birth and death. It is the source of all groundless fears. If there is no trace of it all will be found to be the Reality of the Supreme Absolute. The concept I-am-the-body gives rise to the concepts of existence and non-existence. If there is no trace of it everything is found to be the Reality of the Supreme Absolute. The separate ego is a concept. Consciousness, mind, God, the world, desires, action, sorrow and all other notions are all concepts. Abiding without concepts is the undifferentiated state. It is inherence in the Supreme Absolute. It is wisdom and liberation. It is the natural and true state. It is the Reality of the Supreme Absolute. If there is no concept at all everything is found to be the Reality of the Supreme Absolute. The body and the various functions of manifest existence are only concepts. Hearing, reasoning and contemplating are concepts. Inquiry into the ultimate nature of one’s existence is a concept. All other things are also concepts. Concepts give rise to the world, separate beings and God. There is nothing whatsoever except concepts; and everything is in truth the Reality of the Supreme Absolute. Consciousness is unreal; the mind is unreal. It is like a magic show. It is like the son of a barren woman. It is absolutely non-existent. Since there is no consciousness, no mind there are no concepts, no world, no separate beings. All concepts are truly the Reality of the Supreme Absolute.
( Adapted from Jones, F. The Heart of the Ribhu Gita. Los Angeles: Dawn Horse, 1973 )